Thursday, May 31, 2012

July 13-15 - Grandfather Mountain Scottish Games

Menu :

  • Friday dinner : on your own - some will probably be grilling at camp
  • Saturday breakfast : eggs, grits, ...
  • Saturday lunch : at the Games
  • Saturday dinner : kabobs / Hobo Foil Packs (prep ahead of time by family), dough boys
  • Sunday breakfast : pancakes, sausage

Shopping list : 

family item count
Broam butter, squeeze bottle 1
biscuits (4 pack cans) 2
pancakes 4 box mix
little smokies 2 lbs
Sharpie marker (for cups!) 1
coffee/fixings 1 lb
Collier bananas bunch
juice 1/2 gal
syrup (bottle) 1
Fabio apples bag
plates (pack 25) 2
Gascon eggs 2 dz
cinnamon sugar 1
apples bag
Hart grits (not instant!) 1 lb
milk 1/2 gal
syrup (bottle) 1
Madge bananas bunch
butter, squeeze bottle 1
Udwadia juice 1/2 gal
pie filling (can) 2
little smokies 2 lbs
paper towel 2
Udwadia SIL cheese, shredded 1lb
non-stick spray 1
little smokies 2 lbs
paper towel 2
Villa milk 1/2 gal
biscuits (4 pack cans) 2
little smokies 2 lbs
plates (pack 25) 2
Ziehl eggs 2 dz
pudding (6 pack cups) 2
bananas bunch

The games :
Let's go on Saturday.
Admission age 5-12 is $5, over 12 is $30; includes an evening concert.
No discount for advance purchase, but if you purchase at the gate, you have to have cash.

Camping :
We picked the "Down By The River" campground.  I have this from Pam :

Hi Scott,  Tell everyone to send a check for the two days.  The charge will be $20/ tent per night for those that have only 2 in the tent.  If there are more than two per tent we will only charge for one additional child at $3 so those people with more than 2 per tent would pay $23 per night.  We usually have a three night min. for holiday weekends but will waive that for you.  They need to make their checks out to and mail them to :
Down by the River Campground 
P.O. Box 155, Pineola, NC 28662.  
It would be helpful if they let us know how many will be in their tent, the name of the adult, address, and phone number.  That way we can pre-register you.  Let us know if you have additional questions. 


More info from earlier e-mails :
We have a large grassy field that is close to the activity center and bathhouse.  There is a community firepit with some outdoor furniture around it available for use.  We have water faucets outside of the activity building so there is water available, but no outside electricity.  We also have a small charcoal grill that you can use.  We have a small pavilion that has a larger propane grill and a fireplace with picnic tables that seat 36.  You would have to let us know if you wanted to use that.  We would have a couple of picnic tables available for the group area also.  The charge is $20 per tent for two people.  If you want more information you can call me at 828-733-6461 or 828-387-1084.

Sign up / Survey - please respond ASAP! :

More details to come...

June 16 - Lake Murray Outing

From Ronnie - please reply to him with your preference and if you can come :

 The outing for June will be a FAMILY DAY AT LAKE MURRAY.

I have reserved a picnic shelter @ Billy Dreher Island on Saturday June 16.
When I sent out for replies earlier, everyone said Saturday was better.
We have the shelter all day. park is open dawn til dusk. So we can be real flexible. 

Would you rather do a picnic / grill lunch then spend time afterwards swimming / boating / etc.  OR
swim / boat / etc. first then eat supper?

Does anyone have a boat / pontoon they would be willing to bring?

Hotdogs and hamburgers okay? 

Remember everone is invited, bring siblings, Mom, etc. I will need a count to plan. 

My co-host Kurush is in charge of the karaoke....8-)


May 12 - Canoeing For Kids Rafting Fundraiser

We had several families come out - thank you!  We had a great time.  Pictures here :