Sunday, March 8, 2015

Archaeological Site Public Day 3/14

March 14th is this year's "Public Day" at the Johannes Kolb archaeological site near Darlington. More info about the site can be found here :  The dig has artifacts from the recent past back to as far as 12,000 years ago. There will be several demonstrators there and the kids get a chance to sift some dirt. We took our tribe there several years ago and it was great!  

These are from a past trip one of our tribes took :link
A video with Sean Taylor - the archaeologist who came to Longhouse once :link  
DNR Site :link

Let's meet there at 10:00am.

This address is at the entrance to the heritage preserve :
736 N Charleston Rd, Darlington, SC 29540

Hosting a meeting

A good number of our families are new and have questions about hosting.

When: The second Friday of the month at 7:00pm is the usual time. It can be moved because of holidays or other conflicts.  Meetings usually last about 90 minutes

Where: Traditionally we meet at the downtown YMCA, however they close at 8:00 and that only works if there is Y staff willing to stay (Doug Berkel). Chris Miller has made Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church facilities available when they aren't otherwise committed.  The main appeal off these locations is that they are centrally located and allow a variety of activities.  But, the host family can pick any location - home, church, park, etc.

Scott has been coordinating with Doug and Chris for use of the downtown facilities so let him know what you'd like to do with as much advance notice as possible.

Who: We rotate hosting duties among the families, ideally we would have two families hosting, but our numbers are low for that. Parent and child work together.

What : A meeting consists of some basic elements-

  • Prayer and pledge of allegiance
  • Business - the officers (kids) run this -
  • - Review last outing
  • - Discuss upcoming outing (usually a Dad speaks up)
  • - Award patches
  • - Celebrate birthdays
  • Country report - Host child presents a report. Tell us something interesting you learned about the country in 5-10 minutes. Be creative, don't just tell us the facts from the Wikipedia page. Tell us about the history, geography, culture, or significance of the country - food, folk tales, music, food, arts, politics, etc.
  • Activity - host family organizes an activity.  This can be related tho the country or not. This can be a gym/active game, quiz, puzzle, craft, etc - use your imagination
  • Snack- again, it can be related to the country or not. Don't break the bank! This is a snack, not a meal.
Agenda- the Secretary prepares this, with input from the host family and "chief"